A Year of Giving Back to Our Orange Community

So much more than a thrift store.

Full Circle has blossomed into a shop where many people tell us, “It’s my favorite place in the Circle” or, “I stop by every day just to take a deep breath.” We love hearing these things and so much more feedback that demonstrates that there is something special happening every day at Full Circle.

While our profits go to the Youth Centers, the store has been able to give back in so many other ways! Our team has made connections to provide clothing and household items to our local foster care community, non-minor dependents, teen moms groups, refugees, and of course, our local unhoused friends through our new partnership with the homeless at the Hub Resource Center.

In January, our team put up a prayer station to receive requests from our community. We asked what people were hoping for or needing, and every week our prayer team collected

During the year, we have received and prayed over more than 3,500 requests. These have functioned to give us so much insight into what our community is struggling with. We are grateful that people have chosen to share their needs with us and continue to pray for each of them.


Spidey Senses

