Global Initiative
The Global Initiative of The HUB OC is empowering people overseas to take their next steps to transform their own communities, neighborhoods and families.
How It All Began
The following story holds the foundational heartbeat of The HUB OC and Allelous (Now our Global Initiative).
In 2017, Orange County locals, Gene Molway and Paul Buster traveled to the Ukraine, as they had many times before. Together with the help of a Ukrainian pastor, a business plan was developed for a "brick making" operation to create a more sustainable model for the community. Everything was purchased for the community to start making bricks. These bricks were sold as part of the business, but also used to build classrooms onto an existing school. It was a huge success!
The new focus on empowerment and sustainability ultimately led to the revitalization of one of the most impoverished areas in the Ukraine.
From that point, it was Gene and Paul's mission to replicate this success around the globe and at home in Orange County.
It was all about empowering people to take their next steps to transform their own communities, neighborhoods and families.
Unfortunately, In May of 2017 Gene was hospitalized and passed away very unexpectedly. So Paul held tight to Gene’s vision and soon realized he could partner with someone else that held this hope for the world – Gene's daughter, Holiday Zimmerman.
For years, Holiday had been operating off a similar vision through a local church. She was supporting outreach initiatives, working with the foster population and building community centers to help transform neighborhoods and cities in Orange County. Paul immediately saw the connection, and knew Holiday needed to bring her passion and skill to what he and Gene had begun.
Together, Paul and Holiday helped start The HUB OC and formally began to implement Gene’s vision here in Orange County. Allelous has continued to be the Global Outreach arm of The HUB OC, ready to respond to global communities that want to take their next steps to transform their own communities, neighborhoods and families.
Recent Work
Ukraine | December 2024
In December the HUB Team was able to collect and distribute funds for the displaced people in Ukraine. Working with New Life Church (a local church in the Ukraine) people were fed, clothed and cared for thanks to your generosity.