
HRC Miracle Story.

Tim came to the HRC seeking basic needs (shower, laundry, food, etc). As HRC staff and volunteers talked with him at the check in desk, Tim began to open up about how he had reached a point where he was longing to take a new step in his life.

In 10 days Tim showed up everyday to meet with HRC staff that walked him through the steps of what it meant practically to take that “new step” to change his life. Because of Tim's commitment and consistency to showing up, HRC staff was able to walk alongside him as he built a resume, applied for a job at BJ’s, went to a job interview, and got the job!

The same day that Tim received the job at BJ’s he realized he needed to get a food handlers license as well as work clothing. Due to the fact that he had no income, the HRC paid the $9 for him to take the test to get his license and he was able to complete the process and begin as a new hire at BJ’s. During that time of him applying, the HRC staff contacted our partners at Full Circle Thrift Shop to get Tim clothing. Within the hour of him taking his food handlers test, a Full Circle volunteer was dropping off 2 new wardrobe of “all black pants, ties, button down shirts, and non-slip shoes” for Tim to wear at his new job.

3 days after he began his job he was able to get into a shelter. Tim did not want to stop there. After all that momentum, responsibility, and support that he received, he has continued in his job and remained at the shelter in order to reach his goal of receiving permanent housing and just this past Tuesday Tim came back to our site to share that he had just applied for a corporate position at the company he now works for.

This is just one  of the many stories of the amazing transformations that are occurring at the HRC every day!


A Year of Giving Back to Our Orange Community


Victoria's Story